National Orgasm Day

31 Jul

I found out yesterday that today, July 31st, is National Orgasm Day. I found out because my publisher Hunter House got a call from Playboy Radio that they wanted to speak with an author who writes about Orgasm. Of course they asked Vera and me to speak with Playboy. I googled national Orgasm Day and there was not a whole lot of information but there were a couple of notices that confirmed the date and another date for Global Orgasm Day which would be December 22nd. Another entry said any day with a day in it was an Orgasm Day: Monday, Tuesday etc. Pretty funny as it was when I finally did speak with Playboy who were more about joking around and negativity than about pleasure. It was a weird conversation, like I was the person who created Orgasm Day. Now don’t get me wrong any excuse to have pleasure, to have an orgasm, to feel good is worthy in itself. People have so many reasons not to have pleasure like I’m tired, it’s too late, we’ll wake up the kids, I’m late for work, etc. etc. To have a reason to go for it is a plus in my book. The first thing they asked was about feeling inadequate if you did not experience an extended massive orgasm. I tried to convey to them that you had to feel right and in agreement with whatever orgasm or pleasure you are experiencing presently, before you could add on an emo and only then could you go for more. It was tough sledding. My ability to stay present is easy when I am by myself or with friends but when I find people arguing with me who I expected to be supportive it quickly dissipated. I wanted to share orgasm with the world and wound up being annoyed with the radio hosts. So I still have 10 hours left in this, my first Orgasm Day and I can feel my pleasure is coming back and I will take advantage of it. I can hardly wait till December 22nd.

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